How to Get High Value Online Sales?

In this video, you’re going to discover how to build strong relationships and position your expertise online to secure high-value clients and high-value online sales, even while you sleep. I call this process Web Chemistry.

Now for a moment, I want you to imagine the following situation: you’re an HR consultant, and one of your potential clients’ types in the following information to Google – “handling an employee grievance”.

Up comes your entry on the first page of course which promises the answer to the searchers’ question. The prospect clicks on your abstract and your website then satisfies their immediate need. However, the prospect is left thinking that your site is really useful and they now want to contract your services for 6 days to solve their full problem.

Well, they press the checkout button and you get £4,997 upfront and a 6-day assignment. But we all know, it’s not quite that simple. You’re never going to achieve High-Value Online Sales on one visit. Instead, you have to build a relationship over time before they trust you enough to undertake the service.


First, let’s look at how relationship-building is done in the real world. First, you become visible to a client. Either because of something you’ve written or maybe a talk that you’ve given. Next, there is some kind of approach. If you’ve been successful in your position, they may be approaching you. Otherwise, you’re going to them.

Then there is the act of making contact, business cards get exchanged and you both agree to some follow-up meeting. All the time, your credibility is growing in the eyes of the prospect according to the way that you contact yourself, and maybe in the way that you solve their intermediate problems.

You listen to their requirements at the follow-up meeting and maybe give a presentation and this may lead to further meetings with their colleagues. Then eventually, you bond and connect with a potential buyer who has the authority to contract your service.

You reach a conceptual agreement where you agree on a plan, fee structure, and approach. Then there comes the critical stage of clinching the deal in the form of a proposal that gets contractually accepted by the client.

Now you deliver the assignment. In particular, you deliver insanely great results so that they keep coming back for more and more business. Not only that, but they also refer other businesses to you and your practice grows in line with your delivery success.

  • First, there are no earnings before the assignment starts. For a large contract, you may have to contribute a large amount of time before landing the deal
  • There’s endless frustration with follow-up. You find that prospects rarely get back to you. Instead, you’re endlessly chasing
  • Your fees have to be high to recover all the lost marketing time. Furthermore, you normally have multiple opportunities on the go at the same time.
  • Sometimes too large jobs come in at the same time and you find yourself in that awkward position of choosing between two assignments
  • After a while, you’ll rely more and more on repeat business from existing clients. This is a good sign as it demonstrates good delivery but it also stymies the growth of your practice

So let’s take a look now and see how we could cultivate the same client relationship online to achieve High-Value Online Sales. Instead of client positioning, you need to be looking at search engine positioning. How can you get the right page to show up on the first page of Google for the right query?

Approach clients now get superseded by client landing on your site in response to their search query. Obviously, you have to answer their first question, but try and anticipate – what they need next.

Offer them the next answer as a bribe in return for their contact information. Once you’ve got their contact information details, you now have control over the follow-up process. This step is critical, if you fail to get the contact details then there’s no follow-up or downstream relationship building.

You are now in a position where you can offer them some paid content. In particular, provide content that gives them some “results in advance”. This is the biggest factor in endorsing the quality of your service.

Now you’re probably ready to start offering bigger ticket items. I like to sell tickets to conferences, workshops, and seminars. By this stage, the client will begin to bond and connect with you.

They like your material, they’ve achieved some positive results and they’ve met you at a seminar. You are now ready to offer them your highest-paid services. In other words – YOUR TIME!

The rest of the process is now the same as the offline model, but you’ve cut out the upfront effort. By automating the upfront part of your sales process, you’ve now got the opportunity to heavily gear the web promotion until you have a reliable stream of clients for your back-end services.

Not only that, but you’re also making money from the front end which should at a minimum fund your web promotion activities. With time as the visibility of your brand increases and the demand for your service grows, then you’re also in a position to start growing your fees.

Here’s how you can achieve High-Value Online Sales

If you would like to know more about Web Chemistry, we assembled a team of internet marketing experts last year at the first Web Chemistry workshop. The workshop demonstrated how to take your “high value” service marketing to the next level. The whole workshop was recorded and you can now access this material online.

Specifically, you’ll discover

  • How to get targeted web traffic to your site
  • Develop the right offers that turn prospects into buyers
  • Build credibility and trust
  • Connect and bond with online visitors
  • Attain high fees
  • And find enough time for all this

Or put simply, how to get started.

To access the workshop videos and get access to High-Value Online Sales, then book a consultation meeting by pressing the button below:

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